A strong SEO strategy is an integral part of any marketing strategy, which is why it’ll be a central feature of the work provided for your clients. Therefore, it’s imperative that you are equipped with the right tools needed to provide the very best service. Anything less will prolong the process and result in a slightly underwhelming result for the client.

With so many tools available, finding the right ones can be a little challenging, which is why we’ve put together this guide for direction. Here’s all you need to know.

Before Starting, What Tools Are Required?

SEO tools can be utilized for a whole host of aspects within the field of search engine optimization, but are ultimately designed to boost the Google rankings of the client’s site in a way that will bring long-term rewards in addition to the instant ones.

Some of the areas in which you might use them include;

  • Link building
  • Technical SEO
  • Keyword research
  • Rank tracking
  • Content optimization
  • Backlink analysis
  • Video SEO

The number 13 might be unlucky for some, but it won’t be for you or your clients with these tools.

#1. Check My Links

The process of broken link building is a popular method of booting the link building strategy and Check My Links is a brilliant free App that scans web pages for broken links. Once downloaded, the simple chrome extension is activated with a single click while results are presented quickly and clearly allowing you to rectify issues and drive a site’s visibility through the roof. This can quickly overcome current missed opportunities.

#2. Citation Labs’ Broken Link Finder

A paid link checking program takes the hard work of scanning pages out of the equation and actively looks for broken links on your behalf. All you have to do is type in the keyword that you wish to search for and the tool will browse the World Wide Web for associated broken links. These can be ranked by a number of metrics and allows you to quickly repair those links to boost the Google ranking in next to no time.

#3. DIBZ

Link building is all about creating the best network and finding the best opportunities out there. DIBZ is a paid tool, but it can save valuable time while additionally leading you to far better results. Simply enter a search term that you want to build incoming links to and the tool will present hundreds of prospects within a matter of seconds. From there, you can set to work on turning this list into genuine progress for the client’s site.

#4. Morningframe

The Google algorithm has evolved and now pays greater attention to videos as this is a media type that modern consumers love. YouTube remains the number one platform, and Morningframe is designed to help gain better traction with clear and concise advice. This covers Views, Watch Time, Engagements, and Gained Subscribers. Each metric is graded, with an A being the best, which helps you clearly see what works well and what need improving. Video optimization made simple.

#5. TubeBuddy

TubeBuddy is a freemium tool that also aids your content optimization. However, this tool does so by giving you brand alerts that let you know exactly where and what people are saying about the business in question. This engagement performance covers General, Sharing, and Retention while other metrics covered by the tool can be broken down into 30-day cycles, with graphs to illustrate how things have changed in that time.

#6. Lipperhey

Another freemium product, Lipperhey manages to achieve quite a lot. It analyzes a page’s Technical SEO, Social Media SEO, and Popularity levels to provide a mark out of 100. This is collaborated to give an overall score out of 100, which quickly clarifies whether a page is performing as it should or not. Aside from the overall summary, users can delve deeper into each of the three main areas to gain objections for improvements.

#7. Plug-In SEO

The free tool offers instant on-page analysis of the website and gives clear advice on how to improve any issues currently being experienced. This can range from the Meta Description and the Heading to Images and Page Titles. It ultimately allows you to master on-page SEO time and time again without ever really thinking about it. When every page is treated with this tool, a site’s visibility and impact should dramatically increase.

#8. Ahrefs

While the SEO arena has undergone immense evolutions in recent years, keywords remain a central figure. The tool analyzes competitor sites to show why they are ranking so well, and this can provide direction for your ventures. There are many alternatives on the market, but Ahrefs’ Site Audit feature is something that separates it from the crowd. Meanwhile, it’s web-crawling capabilities are surpassed by Google alone.

#9. Moz

Moz is highly regarded as being an SEO tool that continues to evolve alongside the changing landscape of the Google algorithm. Meanwhile, it boasts a killer chat facility that lets you connect with other experts to gain quick answers to anything you may be struggling to master. Clear messages such as ‘include your keyword in the title’ make the upgrading process very simple. Unless you’re my nan, you’re more than capable of doing it.

#10. SiteLiner

You may or may not know it already, but Google hates duplicate content almost as much as it hates taxes. This wasn’t always the case, but there is no doubt that you will be penalized for having duplicate content. SiteLiner has many features. However, it’s the ability to find duplicate content. Whether it’s pages on your site (i.e. service location pages) or duplicate content that can be found elsewhere, removing these will aid the SEO ranking.

#11. FAT Rank

FAT Rank is arguably one of the simplest tools to master, but it’s also one of the best. Simply enter the keyword related to the page you’re on, and it will show exactly where your website ranks. The results are accurate and change almost in real time. This is a particularly great tool for showing the progress you’ve made on the client’s behalf. For example, if you’ve moved a page up from outside the top 100 into the top 10, this shows quantifiable progress.

#12. Linkody

There are many backlink monitoring services out there. However, the ability to get notifications when competitors gain a new link is one that vindicates the purchase of this paid tool. After all, you’ll be able to jump on board by trying to achieve a link on the same page. As for the results relating to your site, it’s possible to get notifications when backlinks are lost as well as when they are gained, which can be highly beneficial.

#13. Google Analytics

Ultimately, the main job is to rank high on Google. Therefore, it’s vital that you check things over with the Analytics tool, which provides a range of data regarding traffic and site visitors. You’ll probably want to use Google Search Console  (Webmaster Tools) and other Google platforms too. While there are many alternatives that do the job just as well, many of which are mentioned above, this gives the peace of mind that Google is happy with the site. Don’t forget also, that Google loves helping you in organic SEO as well as Pay Per Click – take a look at the webmaster blog – its full of help files and tips as well – careful though, you may just get lost in an SEO Wormhole 🙂

The Final Word

Revamping a site to boost its SEO for the immediate and long-term future isn’t always an easy task, not least because there are so many features to consider. In addition to the tools listed above, here are 8 common SEO mistakes to avoid. By having at least some of the above tools at your disposal, the process should become a little simpler.

Most importantly, your content changes should result in easier navigation and happier customers.

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Andrew Palmer
Andrew is the founder of Elegant Marketplace.