There is one question that you will always ask yourself when you have your precious annual leave days in front of you, and that question is: do I really need to take this holiday now?

Christmas is a time of the year that stresses a lot of people out. No one wants to be stuck in a room with their mother in law, slaving over a hot Christmas lunch only to have a nose turned up when the turkey is a tiny bit dried out. No one wants to slam into the shops after work in the hopes of finding more than a Yankee candle with a battered box. No one wants to deal with the stress of family descending on them and having to coordinate sleeping arrangements because no one had the foresight to book a hotel – seriously. The thing is, we do it. We take the annual leave at work and we hope that it won’t be too bad this year, and yet there are so many out there that don’t believe they should take holiday over Christmas.

Let’s be honest here – we get it. Why would you want to use up some of your precious annual leave days for a time you’re going to feel stressed? I mean, you could choose to put your credit card to the test and find a white sugar beach to lounge on over the Christmas break, instead. You could choose to do away with the mother in law (replace with the know it all cook in your life!)  and her dried out turkey woes and instead, head to Disneyland. Whichever way that you choose to do it, you need to take those leftover holidays that you have this year. Maybe you didn’t get your summer break as planned, and maybe you just don’t feel like you can leave work for that long. However, taking that holiday is vital – for your sanity and the sanity of the rest of those who love you and can see that you need a break.

Annual leave at Christmas is not just about the family you might see or the gifts that you might buy, and you have to take advantage of that time off and run away from the office while you can. So, let’s explore why you need that leave request put in yesterday.

Reduced Stress.

Well, this may be a moot point given that Christmas is usually full of stress, but here’s a tip for you: with the right rum, all stress becomes no stress. Invest and indulge.

Extended Life.

Apparently, annual leave could be the key to living longer. It’s only the case if your in-laws (long lost cousins, brothers, sisters etc.) aren’t there, because while annual leave at Christmas may extend your life when you rest, you may not be able to extend theirs.

Social Life.

Spending time with your loved ones and friends over Christmas can make you happier. Get selective about who you book your time with and you’ll have the best Christmas holiday you could imagine!

Greater Productivity.

Annual leave improves your mood, relaxes you and allows you to extend your life. When you head back to work after a few days of relaxation, you’re motivated with a clearer head. Ideally, any post-Christmas festive hangover you have will have disappeared by then, at least!

Annual leave is the chance you get to recover from the stress at work that you’ve been dealing with. It’s not always about swapping out your stress, either. Sure, the festivities can be draining, but you have to ask yourself whether you want to be drained by your family, with the added food, drink and the chance to sleep a little longer in the morning, or you want to stay at work and spend time with your clients. Most people cannot be seen for dust when they get the chance to grab holiday over Christmas. You need to take the annual leave days that you deserve while you have them; you earned them, you’re entitled to them, and it’s CHRISTMAS. You need a few days where you are screaming to Band Aid songs and drinking Baileys while wrapping presents.

Just remember – you are not obligated to spend time with anyone who brings you down or makes you sad. Your annual leave is for you. The rules for a holiday over Christmas with family are very simple, so listen closely:

  • Avoid debt while buying the perfect Christmas gift.
  • Don’t see anyone who could compromise your mental health in your annual leave.
  • If anyone comments on your Christmas weight gain, eat them.

Oh, and make you sure you have a fantastic Christmas wherever you live, work or play – from all of us at ELegantmarketplace and LayoutsCloud – and we will see you bright and breezy in the New Year 🙂

P.S. if you are on your own at Christmas – don’t be lonely – make some comments in the Facebook Group and I am sure someone will be there for you and read this article too, its got lots of great tips.


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Andrew Palmer
Andrew is the founder of Elegant Marketplace.