Resources Friday n.12
One of the things I love to do in my spare time is to test new tools for my work, many of those who try, I post them right here in Resources Friday and many times I find some really amazing tools....
Let’s Encrypt: How to Get a Free SSL Certificate
On August 6, 2014, Google, in its official blog Webmaster Central blog, officially announced that the use of HTTPS became a ranking factor. This means that those who make use of an SSL certificate...
Resources Friday n.11
Carl Sandburg said: "Time is the coin of your life. It is the only one you own and you can decide how to spend. Be careful, do not allow others to use it in your place". That's right. Time is a...
Where do you work from and why?
As freelancers we can pretty much choose where we work and when we work (kinda). From the kitchen/dining table to our lounge or even as I sometimes do from the small bedroom under the loft bed that...