Creating a brand persona is incredibly important to all businesses. It may be necessary to help you win new sales, but that doesn’t mean that it is going to be easy.

In fact, some large corporations and big brands struggle with this, so imagine just how difficult it can be for smaller businesses.

Getting your persona right can help connect to consumers. It can even motivate them into making a purchase.

Ready to create a persona for your small business? These tips should help you.

  • What Are The Brand Traits You Want To Highlight?
    Which traits and characteristics of your brand are the best ones? These need to be brought to the fore in your new persona. Getting this right should also help strengthen the relationship with your target audience, as they should relate to all these traits.
  • Think About Who Your Target Audience Is
    If you appeal to young consumers, then you might not want to go with a traditional, more formal persona. That just won’t stand out to them, so you will need to create a brand image with a fresh and youthful vibe. However, if you are targeting elderly customers, then a formal brand voice could be your ticket to success.
  • Consider A Style Guide
    Consistency with a brand persona is key. Create a style guide for all content and branding to ensure that your customers are never confused by any inconsistencies.
    Hopefully, creating a persona for your brand will help you target your preferred audience and persuade them to make a purchase!

Think about doing a course that can help you not only define your brand for you and give you insights into creating stand out branding for your customers too.

We have been fans of Mor Cohen for ever and she has an excellent course on Design and Branding and its highly recommended by us here at Elegant Marketplace – go take a look 

Melissa Love has been in the business of branding  for a niche market- if you are looking for Nicheing – Melissa has done this perfectly with Photographers and she is launching an incredible course on maximizing you, your customers and your brand – keep up to date here

In short, its up to you how you are presented – the courses we have recommended are outstanding and not affiliate links. Take care of your Brand and your Brand will take care of you.

If you are struggling with your identity or anything else, either personally or professionally – the team at WP&UP can help you get to where you need to be. Looking after yourself is just as important  as looking after your business.  (pro tip: Its much more important). Take the first step to wellness and success by visiting the WP&UP website today.

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Andrew Palmer
Andrew is the founder of Elegant Marketplace.