Ok, so how many of you Divi users love the 2/3 main section and 1/3 sidebar section options in pages that use Page Builder but don’t like how all the other pages are 3/4 by 1/4 by default?
Well there is an easy CSS fix for that.

If you are working with a child theme you can go to Appearance>Editor and open your stylesheet. If not, go to Appearance>Divi Theme Options>ePanel>Custom CSS (which is located at the bottom of the ePanel)

And just add this. The mobile friendly code is included.

/*Change Post, Project & Archive Page Sidebars from one fourth to one third*/
    .container::before { display:none; }
    .single-project div#left-area {width: 700px;}
    .single-project div#sidebar {width: 300px;}
    .single-post div#left-area {width: 700px;}
    .single-post div#sidebar {width: 300px;}
    .archive div#left-area {width: 700px;}
    .archive div#sidebar {width: 300px;}
    .search div#left-area {width: 700px;}
    .search div#sidebar {width: 300px;}

    /* LAPTOP - IPAD LANDSCAPE (981-1100) */
        @media only screen
        and ( min-width: 981px )
        and ( max-width: 1100px ) {
        .single-project div#left-area {width: 630px;}
        .single-project div#sidebar {width: 240px;}
        .single-post div#left-area {width: 630px;}
        .single-post div#sidebar {width: 240px;}
        .archive div#left-area {width: 630px;}
        .archive div#sidebar {width: 240px;}
        .search div#left-area {width: 630px;}
        .search div#sidebar {width: 240px;}}

    /* TABLETS - IPAD PORTRAIT (768-980) */
        @media only screen and (max-width : 980px) {
        .single-project div#left-area {width: 700px;}
        .single-project div#sidebar {width: 700px;}
        .single-post div#left-area {width: 700px;}
        .single-post div#sidebar {width: 700px;}
        .archive div#left-area {width: 700px;}
        .archive div#sidebar {width: 700px;}
        .search div#left-area {width: 700px;}
        .search div#sidebar {width: 700px;}}

        @media only screen and ( max-width: 767px ) {
        .single-project div#left-area {width: 400px;}
        .single-project div#sidebar {width: 270px;}
        .single-post div#left-area {width: 400px;}
        .single-post div#sidebar {width: 270px;}
        .archive div#left-area {width: 400px;}
        .archive div#sidebar {width: 270px;}
        .search div#left-area {width: 400px;}
        .search div#sidebar {width: 270px;}}

        @media only screen and ( max-width: 479px ) {
        .single-post div#left-area {width: 280px;}
        .single-project div#left-area {width: 280px;}
        .single-project div#sidebar {width: 280px;}
        .single-post div#sidebar {width: 280px;}
        .archive div#left-area {width: 280px;}
        .archive div#sidebar {width: 280px;}
        .search div#left-area {width: 280px;}
        .search div#sidebar {width: 280px;}}

And just add this. The mobile friendly code is included.

Well that’s all for now. I hope you find this article useful.

 Geno Quiroz

Geno Quiroz
Geno is an entrepreneur who has been designing websites since 1996.

He also enjoys all things design, traveling, hanging out with friends, encouraging other believers, experimenting with new technologies, and adding more monitors to his desktop workstation (currently at 5).