Ok, so how many of you Divi users love the 2/3 main section and 1/3 sidebar section options in pages that use Page Builder but don’t like how all the other pages are 3/4 by 1/4 by default?
Well there is an easy CSS fix for that.
If you are working with a child theme you can go to Appearance>Editor and open your stylesheet. If not, go to Appearance>Divi Theme Options>ePanel>Custom CSS (which is located at the bottom of the ePanel)
And just add this. The mobile friendly code is included.
/*Change Post, Project & Archive Page Sidebars from one fourth to one third*/ .container::before { display:none; } .single-project div#left-area {width: 700px;} .single-project div#sidebar {width: 300px;} .single-post div#left-area {width: 700px;} .single-post div#sidebar {width: 300px;} .archive div#left-area {width: 700px;} .archive div#sidebar {width: 300px;} .search div#left-area {width: 700px;} .search div#sidebar {width: 300px;} /* LAPTOP - IPAD LANDSCAPE (981-1100) */ @media only screen and ( min-width: 981px ) and ( max-width: 1100px ) { .single-project div#left-area {width: 630px;} .single-project div#sidebar {width: 240px;} .single-post div#left-area {width: 630px;} .single-post div#sidebar {width: 240px;} .archive div#left-area {width: 630px;} .archive div#sidebar {width: 240px;} .search div#left-area {width: 630px;} .search div#sidebar {width: 240px;}} /* TABLETS - IPAD PORTRAIT (768-980) */ @media only screen and (max-width : 980px) { .single-project div#left-area {width: 700px;} .single-project div#sidebar {width: 700px;} .single-post div#left-area {width: 700px;} .single-post div#sidebar {width: 700px;} .archive div#left-area {width: 700px;} .archive div#sidebar {width: 700px;} .search div#left-area {width: 700px;} .search div#sidebar {width: 700px;}} /* MINI TABLETS - IPHONE LANDSCAPE (480-767) */ @media only screen and ( max-width: 767px ) { .single-project div#left-area {width: 400px;} .single-project div#sidebar {width: 270px;} .single-post div#left-area {width: 400px;} .single-post div#sidebar {width: 270px;} .archive div#left-area {width: 400px;} .archive div#sidebar {width: 270px;} .search div#left-area {width: 400px;} .search div#sidebar {width: 270px;}} /* CELL PHONES - IPHONE PORTRAIT */ @media only screen and ( max-width: 479px ) { .single-post div#left-area {width: 280px;} .single-project div#left-area {width: 280px;} .single-project div#sidebar {width: 280px;} .single-post div#sidebar {width: 280px;} .archive div#left-area {width: 280px;} .archive div#sidebar {width: 280px;} .search div#left-area {width: 280px;} .search div#sidebar {width: 280px;}}
And just add this. The mobile friendly code is included.
Well that’s all for now. I hope you find this article useful.