Divi offers a really nice design and layout right out of the box, but as with many things, people want to make something their own by way of customisation and the Gruisan site takes this to a whole other level. When searching for Divi sites to include in Divi Theme Examples, I always like it when I have to ask myself, Is it Divi? and when I saw this site, the first thing I did was right click to view source, and sure enough, it was a highly customised Divi site.


This site is made by a small team of designers/developers, for the Tourism Office of Gruissan to promote their southern French town.

There really isn’t much that hasn’t been customised on this website so whilst it uses Divi as the base theme, the final product looks completely unique. The only plug-in used on the site was WP Rocket to give the site a speed boost, with everything else being custom coded, so you can be sure that a whole lot of design and coding hours have gone into producing a totally unique Divi website that has taken the base layout and functionality Divi offers and turned it on it’s head.

I often comment that people should not always be focusing on over customising the Divi theme and should stick to creating a clean layout with great images and content as K.I.S.S. will often produce a much better results than what can be an overly complicated site. However, in this case, and with design and coding experts behind the keyboard, the benefits of not K.I.S.Sing are obvious in what is a great, uniqu looking site.

Without a doubt one of the most customised Divi Theme websites I have seen and a great example of what is possible when Divi is in the hands of a talented designer and/or developer.

Craig Longmuir
Craig is a freelance web designer and the creator of Divi theme Examples, a showcase of hand picked websites made with the Divi theme.