The all-in-one plugin that includes hundreds of CSS, Javascript, and PHP hacks that improve your editing experience in Divi, speed up your development time, and give you many more options for dramatically customizing your Divi websites.
✅ Sticky Element*
✅ Force Footer to Bottom*
✅ Mobile Header Styles*
✅ Replace RSS Icon with Instagram Icon*
✅ Instagram Filters*
✅ Instagram Icon Gradient*
✅ Elegant Sidebar Shadow*
✅ Edit in Visual Builder Links*
✅ Duplicate Posts*
✅ Mobile Headers*
✅ Divi Theme Options Tweaks*
✅ Better Visual Builder Module Hover*
✅ Add Quick Links to Admin Bar*
✅ Mobile-friendly Backend Builder*
✅ Preloader Screen
✅ Custom Archives for Categories, Tags, Posts, Search Results, Authors, and Custom Post Types
✅ Shape Dividers on Rows, Columns, and Modules
✅ Custom Reveals
✅ Per-Page Custom Code
✅ Custom Tooltips
✅ Equal Height Modules
✅ Preloader with Animations
✅ Custom Responsive Tables
✅ Custom Footer
✅ Better Password Protected Page Login
✅ Admin Dashboard Custom CSS
✅ Shortcodes in Menus
✅ White Label
✅ Device-Specific Alignment
✅ Reveal Footer Effect
✅ Custom Tab Alignment
✅ Custom 404 Page
✅ Custom Login Page
✅ Custom Coming Soon Page
✅ Current User Meta Shortcodes
✅ Current User Body Classes
✅ Lightbox Anything
✅ Vertically Centered Alignment
✅ Full Height Element
✅ Text Styles
✅ Circle Blurb
✅ Heading Banner
✅ Event Box
✅ Animations
✅ Blog Styles
✅ Menu Animations
✅ Element Shadows
✅ SVG Uploads
✅ Parallax Overlays
✅ Blur Backgrounds
✅ Custom Row Layouts
✅ Additional Mobile Menus
✅ Reverse Columns on Mobile
✅ Module Shapes
✅ Image Shapes
✅ Blurb Effects
✅ Hide/Show Content
✅ Modules Inside Modules
✅ Collapse Mobile Submenus
✅ Device-Specific Classes
✅ Section Divider Shadows
✅ Open Social Links in New Tab
✅ Extended ‘Add Modules’ popup.
✅ Columns in Menu Dropdowns
✅ Font Awesome Icons in Menu
✅ Extended Theme Customizer
✅ Hide Headers, Logo, Footer Page-by-Page
* available in the Divi Hacks Lite free version
You can turn individual hacks on and off on the Divi Hacks settings page. You can also customize global design settings and other custom settings in the Theme Customizer.
Most of the hacks come with a few classes that you will add to element you want to apply that hack to. For example: a custom blog style. Adding the class square-grid-style to a blog module will instantly turn the default blog listing into a fullscreen grid. Then, you’ll customize it as usual on the design tab.
Version 1.17.0 (Updated on 6/23/19)
✅ NEW HACK: Per-Page Code - Add custom code to <head> and just before </body> tags on a per-page basis.
✅ Fixed: Gallery lightbox background overlay fixed when custom lightbox elements are enabled.
✅ Fixed: Custom Tabs styles not being applied when enabled.
✅ Fixed: Fixed the body shifted up in the visual builder when auto-hide admin bar hack is enabled.
Version 1.16 (Updated on 5/31/19)
✅ NEW HACK: Tooltips - show any element inside a tooltip.
✅ Fixed: Sidebar hidden and shown in custom archives regardless of whether the “Remove Sidebar from Archives” hack is turned on.
✅ Fixed: Bloom below-the-post optin form being placed in footer with custom footer hack enabled.
✅ Improvement: Fixed broken Event Box hack.
✅ Improvement: Added the new menu icon to the “Always Show Hover & Responsive Style Buttons” hack.
✅ Added to Divi: Device-Specific Alignment hack is now included in the Divi Theme and Divi Page Builder plugin. The hack still works, but now moving forward you can set the alignment right in the settings (finally!).
Version 1.15.1 (Updated on 4/8/19)
✅ Minor bug fixes.
Version 1.15 (Updated on 4/8/19)
✅ NEW FEATURE: Documentation added to the Admin Bar for easy access
✅ NEW HACK: Equal Height Modules
✅ NEW HACK: Custom Scrollbars
✅ NEW HACK: Custom Reveals
✅ NEW HACK: Autoplay and hide controls for youtube videos in the video module
✅ Improvement: Combined the Vertically Centered Alignment hacks
✅ Improvement: Added a search feature to the Divi Hacks settings page to easily find hacks.
✅ Improvement: Restructured how CSS styles get added. Only CSS that is attributed to activated/enabled hacks will be applied which greatly reduces the size of CSS applied.
✅ Fixed preloader icon offset due to scrollbars on some browsers and with new custom scrollbars hack
✅ Minor Bug fixes
Version 1.14.2 (Updated on 2/20/19)
✅ Fixed links not working in portfolio module on Firefox.
Version 1.14.1 (Updated on 2/19/19)
✅ Fixed background image appearing on sides of module in cutout and cutout-parallax text styles on some browsers.
✅ Fixed redirection error and warning upon activating the license key that broke in a recent Divi update.
Version 1.14.0 (Updated on 1/15/19)
✅ NEW HACK: Always show the responsive options button, hover options button, and help button on the visual builder settings.
✅ Improvement: Now you can set different animations for the preloader, rather than just a simple fade in/out.
✅ Minor bug fixes.
Version 1.13.6 (Updated on 1/9/19)
✅ Fix: Fixed custom dropdown width from affecting the Divi Theme's 'mega-menu' class.
Version 1.13.5 (Updated on 1/8/19)
✅ Fix: Fixed the Collapse Mobile Submenus hack that broke in a recent Divi update.
✅ Improvement: Now you can add the class 'always-visitable' to the parent menu item to make it clickable on mobile (because before it wasn't clickable on mobile devices when the collapse mobile submenus hack was enabled).
Version 1.13.4 (Updated on 1/7/19)
✅ Fix: Fixed the added space when transparent menu bar is used.
Version 1.13.3 (Updated on 1/3/19)
✅ Fix: Stopped preloader from loading when clicking on links that start with tel: and mailto:
✅ Improvement: Added options in Theme Customizer to change menu dropdown width, dropdown link color, and dropdown link line height
✅ Other minor bug fixes.
Version 1.13.2 (Updated on 1/2/19)
✅ Improved Visual Builder Hover Mode Hack
✅ Fixed an issue that caused page content to shift up slightly in the visual builder.
Version 1.13.1 (Updated on 1/1/19)
✅ Updated visual builder html classes for the different devices which caused some hacks to not work correctly in the visual builder.
Version 1.13 (Updated on 12/13/18)
✅ NEW HACK: Added Featured Image column to Divi Library
✅ Improvement: Extended the modules in modules hack by adding a column to the Divi Library that shows the shortcode for each item to easily copy and paste anywhere into a page
✅ Improvement: Customize the blurb-effect-11 background color using the "--blurb-background:#000;" CSS variable.
✅ Optimized the plugin's file structure for better organization, optimization, and future updates.
✅ Various bux fixes for recent Divi + WP 5.0 releases.
✅ Fix for conflict between anchor links and the preloader element
✅ Fix to make sure the preloader is above the lightbox content
Version 1.12.3 (Updated on 12/8/18)
✅ Bug fixes with the User Body Classes hack that caused a number of issues with WooCommerce in latest update, as well as not being able to choosing the administrator role when adding a new user.
✅ Improvement: The plugin will only load the font awesome styles if the font awesome icons hack is enabled.
✅ Improvement: The plugin will only load the custom dividers jquery if the custom dividers hack is enabled.
✅ Improvement: Enable/disable the current user ID and role body classes hack in the Theme Customizer > Divi Hacks > Functions
✅ Added the Changelog to the Divi Hacks Settings page.
Version 1.12.2 (Updated on 12/3/18)
✅ Fix for custom tabs that broke in recent Divi theme update.
Version 1.12.1 (Updated on 11/22/18)
✅ NEW HACK: Preloader - set a loading screen that fades in and out seamlessly between pages
✅ NEW HACK: Custom Archives for categories, tags, posts, search results, authors, and custom post types
✅ Improvement: Added search results archive page to fullwidth archives hack
✅ Improvement: Added search results archive page to archive grid hack
✅ Improvement: Enabled custom post types in search
✅ Improvement: Enabled search within custom fields, not just the post title and content
✅ Fix: Overflow issue with gradient-overlay-rotate-* classes
✅ Fix: Other small bug fixes
Version 1.11.1 (Updated on 10/12/18)
✅ NEW HACK: Parallax elements - give any row, column, or module the parallax effect.
✅ NEW HACK: Mobile Parallax - Enable background parallax effect on mobile devices.
✅ Bug Fixes
Version 1.10.1 (Updated on 9/22/18)
✅ NEW HACK: Add section dividers to rows, columns, and modules, plus 10 new dividers.
✅ Improved compatibility with Divi Bars and Divi Overlays plugins
✅ Now you can created an unlimited number of lightboxes on a page
✅ Bug fixes
Version 1.9.3 (Updated on 9/14/18)
✅ Improved compatibility with Divi Ghoster plugin
✅ Bug fixes
Version 1.9.2 (Updated on 9/13/18)
✅ Bug fixes
Version 1.9.1 (Updated on 9/12/18)
✅ NEW HACK: Customizable responsive tables.
✅ NEW HACK: improve the look of the default password form on a password-protected post type page.
✅ NEW HACK: Custom Footer.
✅ NEW HACK: Open social media links and footer credits links in new tab.
✅ NEW HACK: Wider ‘Add Modules’ popup.
✅ IMPROVEMENT: Added user roles as body classes in the admin dashboard.
✅ IMPROVEMENT: Added user ids as body classes in the frontend and admin dashboard (i.e. user-id-354).
✅ Bug fixes in Custom Row Layouts.
✅ Improved compatibility with many of the hacks that use jQuery with the visual builder.
✅ Fixed “Edit In Visual Builder” links not working correctly on drafts.
✅ Added “Duplicate this…” links to Post Edit screen (in the Publish meta box) and front end admin bar menu (under edit link).
✅ Improved compatibility with other font awesome integrations.
✅ Added a helpful label in the visual builder on lightbox-content elements.
Version 1.8.5 (Updated on 8/13/18)
✅ Added live chat support widget to Divi Hacks settings page (under the About & License tab).
✅ Bug fixes
Version 1.8.4 (Updated on 8/8/18)
✅ NEW HACK: Add space between class names in visual builder
✅ NEW HACK: Admin Dashboard Custom CSS
✅ NEW HACK: Device Specific Row, Module, and Text Alignment
✅ NEW HACK: Shortcodes in Menu Items
✅ NEW HACK: Custom Dropdowns
✅ NEW HACK: Reveal Footer Effect
✅ NEW HACK: Font Awesome Icons (almost) everywhere!
✅ NEW HACK: The new White Label option allows you to replace the word ‘hacks’.
✅ IMPROVEMENT: Extended the ‘Edit in Visual Builder’ links to Posts and Divi Library items
✅ IMPROVEMENT: Added autoplay-video class for videos in custom lightboxes to autoplay when opened.
✅ IMPROVEMENT: Extended background parallax blurs to non-parallaxed background images so you can blur any background image
✅ IMPROVEMENT: Improved sizing of the color palette, fonts, and url boxes in the inline editor for the visual builder hover mode hack
✅ IMPROVEMENT: Added mega class for menu dropdowns columns to extend the full-width of the header container
✅ IMPROVEMENT: Now you can add drop shadows to image shapes using the filter:drop-shadow() property
✅ FIXES: Rid the plugin of more bugs for better performance
Version 1.7.2 (Updated on 7/11/18)
✅ Bug Fixes
Version 1.7.1 (Updated on 7/6/18)
✅ Bug Fixes
Version 1.7 (Updated on 7/3/18)
✅ NEW HACK: Show any Section, Row, or Module in a Lightbox or Popup.
Version 1.6.1 (Updated on 6/29/18)
✅ Fix: Removed empty space above custom 404 page.
Version 1.6 (Updated on 6/29/18)
✅ NEW HACK: Added Current User Meta Shortcodes
✅ Theme Customizer: Maintenance Mode Custom Page
✅ Theme Customizer: Custom 404 Page
✅ Theme Customizer: Custom Login Page and WordPress Login Page Customizations
✅ Theme Customizer: New Custom CSS box to customize current menu links.
✅ Fix: Footer always on Bottom when logged in and auto-hide admin bar hack is on.
✅ Freed some bugs
Version 1.5 (Updated on 6/13/18)
✅ NEW HACK: Auto-hide Admin Bar so its doesn’t interfere when designing web pages
✅ NEW HACK: Make all posts full-width by default
✅ NEW HACK: Custom Tabs Alignment
✅ IMPROVED HACK: Sticky elements - Now you can make any section, row, column, or module sticky and they will only stay stuck in the container they are nested in
✅ Improved gradient-overlay-reflect compatibility
✅ Improved Visual Builder Module Hover hack on fullwidth sections
✅ Fixed the fixed mobile header from not aligning to top of window when logged in leaving an empty space above the header
✅ Fixed diagonal gradient directions in the main header, secondary header, mobile menu, and footer
✅ Fixed version numbers in stylesheets to reflect current plugin version to force the browser to load the new version upon updating the plugin to a new version
✅ Released a few extra bugs
Version 1.4.2 (Updated on 5/31/18)
✅ Fixed visual builder hover mode hack not working correctly with Divi Theme version 3.5
Version 1.4.1 (Updated on 5/29/18)
✅ Set a couple more bugs free
Version 1.4 (Updated on 5/29/18)
✅ Enabled SVG support in uploads
✅ Added new menu customization in the Theme Customizer
✅ Added menu column functionality in menu drop downs
✅ Added more main header, top header, and footer options to the Theme Customizer
✅ Changed sticky class name back to ‘sticky-element’ because it conflicted with sticky posts.
✅ Added ability to hide the Top Header, Main Header, Logo, and Footer from any page by adding custom fields to the page or post.
✅ Fixed ‘Footer Always on Bottom’ hack not working correctly if the menu bar has transparency.
✅ Fixed corner shadows on image modules in tablet view and gallery grid modules.
Version 1.3 (Updated on 5/18/18)
✅ Added user roles and logged-out status as classes to the body. So in addition to the 'hide-if-login' and 'hide-if-logout' classes, there are more classes including 'hide-if-subscriber', 'hide-if-contributor', 'hide-if-editor', and so forth, depending on what the currently logged-in user's role is.
Version 1.2.2 (Updated on 5/17/18)
✅ Improved cutout text style
✅ fixed the wrong class listed on the settings page for the sticky element. Just use the class sticky.
Version 1.2.1 (Updated on 5/16/18)
✅ made quick links only visible to users with editor and administrator permissions
Version 1.2 (Updated on 5/16/18)
✅ moved menu animation hacks and mobile menu styles to the Theme Customizer
✅ added the ability to change the background color of the Blurb Effect 11 "card" in the Theme Customizer
✅ fixed jQuery errors
Version 1.1 - Initial Release (Updated on 5/14/18)
✅ Added ability to update plugin from within the WordPress dashboard
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