Shortlinks: A User Guide
I was recently asked by a Divi Theme Users member to write a post explaining about shortlinks and how to use them. Your wish is my command! What are Shortlinks? Shortlinks are simply a way of...
Pricing yourself out of the market?
Or pricing yourself into Bankruptcy….? Web Designers, developers and creatives are often asking – How much should I charge? How many times have you heard the following or...
How to Make Your Fullwidth Portfolio Display Square Images
The full-width portfolio section is one of my favourite Divi sections - combined with the ability to use page-builder in projects, it gives you a wealth of ways to display and categorise information...
Why You Need at Least Enough Security
Over the years I have had people contact me because their sites were hacked. It did not matter whether the sites were written in Joomla, PHP, HTML, WordPress or Drupal. The results were...